Baxter Bark Twice

Do as I say, never as I do

It’s turkey time, you turkeys

Posted by AllieB on November 21, 2011

The annual day of thanks is upon us once again. I’ve come to really love Thanksgiving, and despite the fact that I will be the lone ranger dining with my parents and Missy and that it is a very unsettling 75 degrees outside, I am nevertheless very excited about this holiday.

I even wanted to cook something. I’m not going to, but the thought seriously crossed my mind – so much so that I BOOKMARKED recipes. This this one of Linton Hopkins’ wild rice casserole looked pretty delicious.

from: Garden & Gun

My second option was a less-tony-but-still-tasty-looking beans with brown butter.

Conclusion: neither/nor, but I WILL be ever so helpful with preparation and cleaning. I’m serious, I will. OH, maybe I’ll create a themed cocktail for us…that can be my project. Or we can just stick to the Baxter Tride & True: Whiskey Sours. That’s fine with me. Hey, look at that – I’m already done with my project. I had some lofty aspirations for cooking something last year, too – in case you were wondering, it didn’t pan out. And there’s your token turkey day funny on the right; I borrowed it from myself, which is totally not cheating.

I’m working on my holiday wishlist right now, I’ll put that up next week. What with the arrival of Pinterest in my life, it’s been a lot easier to compile/keep track of my wants and needs. My mother has already informed me that she has completed her holiday shopping, so I guess I should have gotten on top of this sooner…Gaylen and I aren’t always on the same schedule re: getting things done.

ATLiens: The Whigs are playing their annual Thanksgiving show on Friday night at Variety Playhouse. Openers are Ponderosa and Johnny Corndawg. Be there or be not awesome.

I mostly just wanted to check in real quick and say hey. Hey.

3 Responses to “It’s turkey time, you turkeys”

  1. mcl said

    I made that rice last night! I enjoyed it

  2. I'm thinkin Whiskey said

    Baxter group conference call me after 4 whiskey sours, please.

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