Baxter Bark Twice

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Posts Tagged ‘i wish i was on spring break’

Fat (Phat?) Tuesday

Posted by AllieB on March 8, 2011

Just to be authentic, I goog’ed, “mardi gras catch phrase” and the first result, in all of Google, was “Throw me something, Mister!” That wasn’t…quite what I was looking for…

At any rate, today is Fat Tuesday, tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, thus today is the day when we celebrate the last of our guilty pleasures before giving them up for 40 days. Calm yourselves (froooooooost yourselves) – I have made a decision as to what I am giving up, but first….we talk about cheeseburgers.

Bocado…come on down!!! Pallison was in town, and a bunch of us went to dinner at Bocado. Bocado’s burger is just as awesome as I heard it was, and I’m having a hard time designating which I like better: theirs or HF’s. Foodies around town, though totally “over” this burger craze, seem to give the final edge to Bocado. For that reason, and because of my underdog syndrome, I’m inclined to choose HF:  they were first and you have to work a little to try it. You can’t just saunter in at lunch time on a Tuesday and get it, nor can you go for dinner at 8 on a Saturday and order one; you have to make effort to enjoy their double stack of goodness (after 10 M – Sat, brunch on Sundays), and – in accordance with my underdog complex – I always like a challenge. Plus, when I go with A&K (and I only go w A&K), I feel like a celebrity. Winner: Holeman & Finch.

from left: bite outta Bocado – Pal/Me/Pants – JTomm and her nighttime mimosa

For Lent this year, I am giving up Hoegaardens AND stuffed pasta. I know, the mind reels. I feel kind of silly – I realize that the average person reading this, who may not have intimate knowledge of my day to day habits, might scoff at my choices, saying how could anyone consume enough of those things to make giving them up an actual sacrifice. Hi, my name is Allie, and I have a serious problem when it comes pasta of the stuffed variety. And I’m tossing in Hoegaardens because they’re stupidly expensive and have like 1,999 calories. So, there you have it: no mas.

To continue my week of gluttony, tonight I will be enjoying the wonder that is Antica Pizza. I’m leaning towards the Pomodorini…with a side of Two Buck Chuck, obvs.

Birthday week: YKenna, AnsGhegan, BGeorge, ECowan…Mardi Gras tranny wishes you a great one!


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