Baxter Bark Twice

Do as I say, never as I do

Posts Tagged ‘my peeps’

In honor of Meat Cleve

Posted by AllieB on April 7, 2011


Allison is like my very own Liz Lemon, and for that I am grateful. She is also one of my most favorite humans because she is always thinking what I am thinking and because she makes me laugh a lot. I wish her nothing but sunshine and daffodils and PUPPIES on this extra special day. I have a hunch that a photog collage is decidedly not what Allison wants for her birthday, so instead I’m giving her….

…yep, a Mash – a big ole suffocating MASH. Also, I hope she doesn’t mind that I referred to her as “Meat Cleve” in the title. It was that or Mistake by the Lake. I suppose neither would’ve been preferable, but, unfortunately, that was a non option.

And a very Happy Birthday to Mr. Handsome, as well…

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Here are your plans for Saturday night

Posted by AllieB on March 31, 2011

Do you like laughing? Yes. Well, if you live in/around Atlanta and you’re looking to mix it up this Saturday, I suggest you go see one of our nearest and dearest, one Mr. Matt Pyles, make his comedic debut in the  “Improv A**Hole!” show at the Village Theatre Saturday, April 2 at 8:30 p.m.

Here’s what you can expect. I was sold from the start, but they locked it down with “college drinking game.”

The show is our full fledged, home-grown Improv tournament – exercise your inner critic by voting on your favorite actors as they battle the crowd, the bottle, and each other (with torturous consequences)! Think college drinking game, mixed with a live-made-up-on-the-spot comedy show.

Buy tickets here or pay $10 cash at the door. BE ADVISED the show could very easily sell out, in which case you’d be S.O.L…in something of a pickle…etc.

Commtion/Spring Tour - 2009

In addition to improv comedy, Matt also plays in a little band you may have heard of –

it’s called Commotion.

GO BRAVES! Tomahawk Chop.

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Fat (Phat?) Tuesday

Posted by AllieB on March 8, 2011

Just to be authentic, I goog’ed, “mardi gras catch phrase” and the first result, in all of Google, was “Throw me something, Mister!” That wasn’t…quite what I was looking for…

At any rate, today is Fat Tuesday, tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, thus today is the day when we celebrate the last of our guilty pleasures before giving them up for 40 days. Calm yourselves (froooooooost yourselves) – I have made a decision as to what I am giving up, but first….we talk about cheeseburgers.

Bocado…come on down!!! Pallison was in town, and a bunch of us went to dinner at Bocado. Bocado’s burger is just as awesome as I heard it was, and I’m having a hard time designating which I like better: theirs or HF’s. Foodies around town, though totally “over” this burger craze, seem to give the final edge to Bocado. For that reason, and because of my underdog syndrome, I’m inclined to choose HF:  they were first and you have to work a little to try it. You can’t just saunter in at lunch time on a Tuesday and get it, nor can you go for dinner at 8 on a Saturday and order one; you have to make effort to enjoy their double stack of goodness (after 10 M – Sat, brunch on Sundays), and – in accordance with my underdog complex – I always like a challenge. Plus, when I go with A&K (and I only go w A&K), I feel like a celebrity. Winner: Holeman & Finch.

from left: bite outta Bocado – Pal/Me/Pants – JTomm and her nighttime mimosa

For Lent this year, I am giving up Hoegaardens AND stuffed pasta. I know, the mind reels. I feel kind of silly – I realize that the average person reading this, who may not have intimate knowledge of my day to day habits, might scoff at my choices, saying how could anyone consume enough of those things to make giving them up an actual sacrifice. Hi, my name is Allie, and I have a serious problem when it comes pasta of the stuffed variety. And I’m tossing in Hoegaardens because they’re stupidly expensive and have like 1,999 calories. So, there you have it: no mas.

To continue my week of gluttony, tonight I will be enjoying the wonder that is Antica Pizza. I’m leaning towards the Pomodorini…with a side of Two Buck Chuck, obvs.

Birthday week: YKenna, AnsGhegan, BGeorge, ECowan…Mardi Gras tranny wishes you a great one!


Posted in Arbitrary, Food & Drink | Tagged: , , , , | 10 Comments »

Marti guards the house

Posted by AllieB on February 25, 2011

I had forgotten all about this, but someone just asked me for the link and I am SO HAPPY because it is amazing. This is my friend, Marti a.k.a. Tina a.k.a. Miranda, at a self-defense class back in 2k8. Watch her as she wails on this guy…he’s a crumpled ball on the floor by the time she’s done with him.

It’s better with sound but not mandatory.


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A BBT Exclusive: Survey of the Sexes

Posted by AllieB on January 27, 2011

Inspired by literary masterpieces such as Cosmopolitan and Maxim, I decided to do a short survey asking guys and girls what they like about each other in a very physical, on-the-surface sense. I’ve done the leg-work, I did the research, and now I have the answers…ish.

Without further ado…

  • Of the 19 males who participated, 68% are in a serious relationship, 32% are not
  • Of the 35 females, 66% are in a serious relationship, 34% are not
  • Ok, now for the good stuff

Q & A with the dudes:

Personally, I’m very pleased with the outcome of ass vs boob…to the second, I’m a bit surprised with Athletic Gear. I’d have thought that Corporate Attire would’ve been second, or perhaps Costume…shows what I know!

Lastly, here are some excerpts from the open ended statement, “I love it when my significant other/crush….”

– looks and acts particularly hot

– makes me laugh

– laughs

– answers the phone

– does something spontaneous

– Cooks gourmet meals

– Laughs

– strips

– Does pretty much anything totally unexpected.

– gets drunk and dances

– makes breakfast for me, cleans my house, does my laundry, is extremely rich, dresses up like richard simmons in bed

– doesn’t wear cardigans

If your answer is missing, that’s because it was outrageously inappropriate and I thank you very little for sharing such crassness with me. As for the ones I could include, my favorite is “doesn’t wear cardigans” because that is so random, and regarding “answers the phone” – it concerns me that this is what you love most about your significant other or crush…it doesn’t sound like things are going so well…

Q & A with the ladies:

I just realized I forgot to take my own survey. Dunce. Anyway – so, now you know: we don’t care much about your wardrobe, bank account, or abdominal region, but, unlike you, we don’t so much prefer the workout look. That’s likely because if a boy is in athletic gear, it means he probably smells like feet. Also, girls look better in spandex than guys do.

I gave girls the chance to answer the open-ended statement, “My favorite thing about my significant other/crush….” I was going to do excerpts, but they’re either redundant or ALSO much too inappropriate to share on BBT (turns out I have some pervy friends), so instead I will paraphrase what 35 females said is their favorite thing about their boo/wannabe boo and include a few noteworthy quotes:

  • he makes me laugh
  • he is considerate of me and values our relationship
  • he loves me in spite of how crazy I am
  • he is hot
  • he works really hard
  • I can embarrass myself in front of him
  • when he cooks for me
  • “his newfound love for reading”
  • “his bed-head”
  • “when he wears his glasses”

The End. I think my favorite part of this thing was reading the write-in responses, except the ones that were gross. People are weird, and some of you need to wash your mouths out with soap. I suppose that, overall, the results aren’t earth-shattering, but this wasn’t exactly the Spanish Inquisition…

Is it 5 yet? AWD’s…who’s with me??

Posted in Arbitrary, Imparting Wisdom | Tagged: , , , , , | 16 Comments »